Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Ant's Marching

I don't remember my what it was I was dreaming about last night. All I remember was an ant, and me killing it by cutting it in half. Since the only thing I have to go on this morning is an ant, I looked at a few different sites on what it could mean. By that, I mean I googled "dreams about ant". They all basically said the same thing - an ant represents annoyance, pettiness, and dissatisfaction.

I'm going to assume, since I'm not actually a dream expert and just spit-balling here, that the fact that I cut the ant in half has turned what would be a rather negative dream into a positive one.

Also, I really don't like waking up after I dream about any kind of bugs. I think about them the rest of the day, and it just makes me squeamish.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Life in the Fast Lane

Question: What do cars, snakes, and killer pickles have in common?
Answer: They were all in my dream last night

I know what you're thinking - what did she eat last night? The answer is nothing. I actually skipped dinner. I'm a little embarrassed to share just how crazy my dream was. Many of them seem to have at least a shred of realism. Last night, not so much.

I've had dreams about cars before. But these weren't just any cars - they were the winners of the "Best Car of 2009". Actually, I don't know if that's true. But in my dream, they were announced as the Best of 2009, and I was putting ribbons on them.

I can't quite figure out what a car by itself represents. The interpretations on dreammoods.com discuss driving a car, or being the passenger. The closest thing I saw was a car with no driver, which apparently:
suggests that you need to reassess your level of control over your life. You are unwilling to take responsibilities for your actions.
Walking down the line of cars - trucks, SUVs, sports, etc - I come to a container filled with snakes. I'm meant to give an award to the anaconda. But when it tries to attack me, I try to kill it. I won't get into the gory details, but I tried a lot, and it would not die.

Snakes may represent:
hidden fears and worries that are threatening you. To see an anaconda in your dream symbolizes your creativity and potential.
The first part makes sense - I was petrified of the snake. The second part....does that mean I was trying to kill my 'creativity and potential'? I also don't understand the connection between the two.

Anyway, on to the more bizarre part of the dream. Since I could not kill the snake, along comes a jar of pickles, right up to the snakes. The jar tilts, pouring it's pickle juice into the box of snakes, and the snakes promptly die. Why? Because the pickle juice was actually acid.

I really don't know how my subconscious came up with that.

So, as it turns out, the interpretation of a pickle is not that different from the interpretation of the snake - fear and anxiety. Acid, another not-so-positive symbol, represents:
feelings of hatred, rage, and/or revenge.
This being one the more interesting dreams I've had, I was really curious about what some of these things meant.

Definitions come from Dream Moods.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Calling Elvis

my initial thoughts on the droid:

For so long I've avoided the 'smart phone'. When the world became obsessed with the blackberry, I had no interest. My simple camera phone was good enough for me. Then came the iPhone. Instead of jumping ship and joining AT&T like everyone else did, I got the enV from Verizon. (I was actually going to get the voyager, but a friend of mine got it and did not like it at all!) I really love the enV, for the record. Except that after having it for a year, it started to shut off on it's own every now and then. A few months ago, my sister left Verizon so that she could get the iPhone. I have to admit, it's a nice phone. I was hoping that Verizon would also start selling the iPhone, since rumors were going around the the contract between Apple and AT&T were almost up and Apple had no interest in signing another exclusive contract. Some people said it was just a matter of time before Verizon customers could get the iPhone, and other said it was never going to happen.

I think it's pretty clear at this point that the iPhone will not be making its way into Verizon stores in the near future. I still caved though and got the Droid. I was actually really excited when Verizon announced the new phones. And when I got a coupon allowing me to upgrade early, I jumped at the opportunity. Turns out it was only 10 days before my 'new every two' came around, but still. I'm incredibly thrilled with it, but like everything else in this world - nothing is perfect. Here are some minor issues I have with the Droid:

I got a hard case to protect it. The problem was that it didn't slide open very easily to reveal the keyboard, and it made the phone thicker, which defeats the purpose of having a slim phone to begin with. After about 2 days I took the case off. If I feel like I need another case, I'll try one of the plastic ones. To be honest, there are not very many options for cases, and I don't like any of them. Also, the keyboard is a bit unnecessary.

There is no simple way to just make a call, but you can star contacts, putting your favorites in one place. I also just discovered an alternative to speed dialing, by creating a direct dial shortcut and it will be on the home screen. I put them in a folder and called it Speed Dials, so that I don't accidently start dialing people. The folders, by the way, are great.

In a lot of ways, the droid is very similar to the iPhone, with the touch screen, and a lot of similar apps. The one that I think is a must get is the task killer. Droid allows several apps to run at once, much like a computer, and this is an easy way to see which ones are running and to shut them all down at once, so they don't drain the battery.

I haven't had a chance yet to try all the features, but so far, I really love the phone. I already sent in the rebate stuff, so I'm stuck with it whether I change my mind or not. Two things though I wish the droid had that my enV had - ESPN mvp, and polyphonic (not truetone) ringtones. It was impossible trying to find a ringtone I was happy with.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Runaway Train

Sometimes my dreams are so vague that I hardly remember anything, and sometimes they are so epic that it's hard to forget the details. Last night, I had an epic dream. But describing all the connections would turn this entry into a novel, and no one comes to a blog to read a novel.

It's a pretty common theme that I never dream that my home is my actual home. Usually, it's my childhood home. Last night, it was an isolated house on top of a hill, straight out of a horror flick. I know I lived downstairs, and two guys (who I actually know) lived upstairs and were selling their half, and I figured, if I bought it I could have an even bigger house.
To see a house in your dream represents your own soul and self. Specific rooms in the house indicate a specific aspect of your psyche. In general, the attic represents your intellect, the basement represents the unconscious, etc. If the house is empty, then it indicates feelings of insecurity.
I don't know quite how to interpret that definition in relation to my dream, but I guess the gist is that the scary house on the hill is the equivalent to my soul - isolated and scary. Uplifting thought. Anyway, there were actual elements of a horror, or at least suspenseful, film. I knew there was someone in the attic (which apparently represents my intellect?) waiting to kill me (or anyone else really).
To see a killer in your dream suggests that an essential aspect of your emotions have been cut off. You feel that you are losing your identity and your individuality. Alternatively, this dream may represent purification and the healing process. You are standing up for yourself and putting a dramatic end to something.
Okay, in all fairness, I did not actually see the killer. I just knew he existed. Anyway, that was part 1. Part 2, was again about an old childhood friend. I was visiting her, although she was living somewhere different, in a completely time zone and country and continent. Anyway she was shopping for an ornament with pressed flowers in it, and found one for $88.
Eight stands for power of authority, success, karma, material gains, regeneration, and wealth.
Not sure who or what in the dream has the power, but apparently there is a lot of it. Anyway, about the flowers. They were Lily of the Valley:
If the flowers are white, then it symbolizes sadness.
My dreams are really depressing. Seriously.

Anyway, she began fighting with her husband about spending the money on flowers that frankly used to grow all over my parent's garden years ago.
To see others fighting in your dream, suggests that you are unwilling to acknowledge your own problems and turmoil. You are not taking any responsibility or initiative in trying to resolve issues in your waking life.
And that brings me to part 3. There was an incredible amount of déjà vu - I felt like I had been to these places before or experienced them somewhere, maybe in another dream I don't really remember. After I left my friends, I started going up a hill, to go back to my 'house'.
Climbing a hill signifies your struggles in achieving a goal.
The hill, also happened to be the path of a very fast train. I was genuinely scared when the train roared past me.
A railroad signifies that you have laid out a set track toward achieving your goals. Your progress will be slow but steady. You are well disciplined and secure in your life. To dream that you are walking alongside the railroad tracks, signifies much happiness from your skillful completion of your tasks.

A train represents conformity. You are going along with what everyone else is doing. Or you have a need to do things in an orderly and sequential manner.
At the top of the hill, the end of the track, was where everyone was disembarking the trains. There were lots, lined up and getting ready to start their routes all over again. I was hiding under a track. I remember clearly a train went above my head, and a lot of dirt and mud was falling on me.
To dream that you are hiding suggests that you are keeping some secret or withholding some information. You may not be facing up to a situation or not want to deal with some issue. However, you may be getting ready to reveal something and confess before somebody finds out.

Dirt is representative of situations where you have been less than honorable and may have acted in a devious manner. To dream that someone throws dirt at you, denotes that enemies will try to attack your character and harm your reputation.

And that's pretty much when I woke up. I'm starting to wonder if any dream definitions are positive...

All definitions come from Dream Moods.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Friends Will Be Friends

I guess I haven't been so diligent about keeping up with this blog, and I've definitely been slack at looking into my dreams. It's not that there haven't been some bizarre dreams, or that I haven't had anything to say - anyone who knows me knows I always have something to say. I'll just have to be better about typing stuff out.

During my mini-hiatus (I'll get to last night's dream in a bit), one of the only dreams I really remember centered around paper clips. Not just paper clips, but magical paper clips, that had the ability to stop enemies in their tracks. I know, it sounds like I'm reading a line out of 1950's comic books. But seriously, how often have you had a dream about something so commonplace that you hardly ever think about it? Maybe you don't, but it happens to me pretty often. Anyway, I looked it up, and apparently paper clips have a meaning in the Dream Moods dictionary:
To see or use a paper clip in your dream suggests that you feel that you need to hold a relationship together. Perhaps you need to organize certain aspects of your life.
It sounds like a bit of a literal interpretation to me. Anyway, another aspect of this dream is one that I've had many times before. A good portion of the dream took place in a bathroom, trying to hide from people.
To dream that you are in the bathroom, relates to your instinctual urges. You may be experiencing some burdens/feelings and need to "relieve yourself". Alternatively, it may symbolize purification and self-renewal. You need to cleanse yourself, both emotionally and psychologically.
Anyway, on to last night's dream. I couldn't find any way of "defining" this part, but it was the most unusual part. In this dream, I had two very good friends, who I'm not at all friends with. One of them (commence laughing) was Derek Jeter. The other was someone I went to high school with, who I was never ever friends with, and I definitely do not talk to him at all now. I'm pretty sure the reason Derek Jeter was in my dream was because I was just reading about him getting Sport's Illustrated Sportsman of the Year yesterday. I am, as it turns out, a Yankees fan, but I've never actually dreamed about the Yankees, or any of the players. As for the other 'friend', I guess the best thing to look up is Childhood Friend:
To see your childhood friend in your dream signifies regression into your past where you had no responsibilities and things were much simpler and carefree. You may be wanting to escape the the pressures and stresses of adulthood. Consider the relationship you had with this friend and the lessons that were learned.
The relationship we had growing up was pretty non-existent. He was part of that cool group, and I was, well, not. I also doubt that it would signify a regression to a 'simpler and carefree' time - school with him and his friends was actually pretty torturous. At least in elementary school. After that it was bearable. I would probably say that his being in my dream doesn't really represent anything, but he was also in another dream I had - the one with the paper clips.

The next question I have about these odd friendships is, why are they both male? I suppose that could just be reading into it too much, but I feel like that was a point that kept coming up in my dream. They'd hug me and say something like, 'I love you, but as a friend', 'We're best friends', and so on. I also like to hug my friends, but I don't feel the need to distinguish between a platonic love and a let's-run-away-together love. I'm pretty sure that's already established. Apparently, my subconscious thinks otherwise.

So that was one part of the dream. The other part, was some kind of survivor-like game, only it was for an acting job or something. I can't remember exactly what it was, but I do know that it was a big deal. At the time of elimination, it was between me, and my sister. Since she majored in theater, I stepped aside, and let her stay in the 'game'.
To see your sister in your dream symbolizes some aspect of your relationship with her, whether it one of sibling rivalry, caring, protectiveness, etc. Your sister may draw attention to your family role and sense of belonging. It may also serve to remind you that someone in your waking life has characteristics similar to your sister.
I was also crying:
To dream that you are crying signifies a release of negative emotions that is more likely caused by some waking situation rather than the events of the dream itself. Your dream is a way to regain some emotional balance and a way to safely let out your fears and frustrations. In our daily lives, we tend to ignore, deny, or repress our feelings. But in our dream state, our defense mechanisms are no longer on guard and thus allow for the release of such emotions.

On to the third part of the dream. I was driving a car:
To dream that you are driving a vehicle signifies your life's journey and your path in life. The dream is telling of how you are moving and navigating through life.
I wasn't exactly moving, I was at a stop light. And then, the car started moving in reverse, and hit a police car.
To dream that you are driving a car in reverse, suggests that you are experiencing major setbacks in your goals.
To see the police in your dream indicates a failure to perform or to honor obligations and commitments. The police also symbolizes structure, rules, power, authority and control. Perhaps you need to put an end to your reckless behavior or else the law will catch up to you. You fear punishment.

To dream that you are arrested by the police suggests that you feel sexually or emotionally restrained because of guilt. The dream may also be a metaphor that you are feeling apprehensive about something.
It was also raining, and I was in a convertible with the top down, trying to make a call on my phone:
To dream that you get wet from the rain, indicates cleansing from your troubles and problems. Rain also symbolizes fertility and renewal.

To see or use a cell phone in your dream, indicates that you are being receptive to new information. It also represents your mobility.
I know it sounds like three different dreams here, but somehow in my mind, they all made sense together.

All definitions come from Dream Moods.